Monday, April 11, 2011

Crazy weekend ends on a good note tonight

So I didn't have the best weekend, but Dave sure saved the day tonight. Well I guess it started by me getting off my butt and digging out a 2'x16'section of grass along our new fence. Which I am so excited about because I am going to plant a long row of raspberries. I can taste them already. Mmmmm. Then Dave came home and carted the boys off to the park while I made dinner and sang and played the piano to my hearts content. I don't often get to do that with boys around vying for my attention.

After dinner we had Family Home Evening on prayer and I felt so good and the spirit was strong and the boys were quiet, which never happens. As I was giving the lesson thoughts and impressions entered my mind that really helped me to tell my kids what they need to know and what I sometimes forget. Our Father in Heaven always answers our prayers. Sometimes it is yes sometimes it is no and even other times we have to wait. I love that little reminder because I can be so impatient and demanding things be my way right now.

Then tonight I borrowed my mom's wii game Just Dance 2. It is so much fun. The more I did the more I wanted to do. I am going to have to get me that game or something like it. Although this weekend was sort of the pits it really ended up being a really great day today.