For millennia people have been creating beautiful works of art. Masters paint, sculpt, mold, and carve. We sit in awe and wonder and marvel at the beauty. People pay millions of dollars just to own a piece of these works. But the greatest artist of all created a masterpiece unlike any other. God created you. He sculpted you out of clay and breathed life into your life. He saved his creation until this time. He knew those freckles spread across your face and the way your fingers kind of curve in different ways and how over time you would age with gray hairs and wrinkles and worry lines and hopefully smile lines. He knew that time would only enhance the beauty of his great creation.
Yet of all the masterpieces in the world the world wants to change this creation. You. Somehow if you try this certain exercise or buy this certain product or wear these certain clothes you are somehow going to exceed the grand masters creation. That somehow what he created isn’t good enough. That if we nip here and tuck there that somehow it will make it all better. These voices of the world sometimes get so loud that you start to believe the story they’re telling you. That somehow you’re not enough. That you are falling short. And maybe I am or maybe you are but the master doesn’t mess up. He created you perfectly. Enjoy the beauty of your creation. The God who created the Grand Canyon and the Hawaiian Islands and the Swiss Alps thought it a wonder when he created you. His greatest masterpiece. Don’t forget how incredible you truly are and don’t let the negative voices of the world drown out that truth.