Monday, January 3, 2011

And another thing bites the dust.

I have been having the worst luck lately it all started with my favorite pants getting blown out in the crotch. Then a week or so ago our garage door, bites the dust. Then today I was squatting down and ripped a huge hole in my other pants. I am running out of pants. My clothes seem to be falling apart all at the same time. When it rains it pours. It wouldn't be so bad if I could just walk into any old store and buy a pair of pants that fit, but with a spare tire, a badonka donk butt and thunder thighs I have a difficult time finding pants that fit all those areas at the same time. Oh well, such is life. Bring it on. I guess I could always go naked, not that anyone wants to see that, I don't even want to see that. I know things could be worse, I just find it kind of ironic and funny at the same time, and I needed to vent.