Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Potty Training Round 3 or is it 3,427?

Anyway I started James potty training again on Sunday, I think. First couple of days were not a disaster but there were half a dozen accidents. Yesterday I think he only had 1 or 2 wet accidents and actually went #2 in the toilet twice (miracle of miracles). Today accident free. So far so good. I have the devil of a time with my kids, but hopefully this third round is the charm. I think we both needed a very long break between last time and this time and mommy needed to take a few chill pills for a while in order to deal with it. The best thing so far is that he is the one taking care of the accidents. I'll know he had one because he'll come running in naked and has taken off his wet clothes and left them somewhere. I love that and when he went #2 yesterday (I would say poop, but I don't know if it would gross some of you out) we did a jumping dance of joy. He was so happy with himself he just started jumping up and down and mommy joined in. I think that was the part of the day, no m&m's or bribes needed just a happy dance with mommy. I sure hope this sticks, we were running out of pull-ups and they cost sooooo much and my sis-in-law was going to train my nephew when they got home (our boys are the same age so jealousy is a huge motivating factor when it comes to potty training. Thanks Eliza!) I am just so excited, hopefully no more diapers for a long time.