So somehow I just wrote a big long page about everything that happened here yesterday and somehow I pushed a button, don't know which button and poof it has all been erased, so I'm not sure if I can eloquently repeat everything I've already said because now it wouldn't be as sincere.
But yesterday was beautiful and fun. We had a nice morning and a beautiful gift in the best wrapping ever was opened by David yesterday, the highlight of our lives. It came in a legal sized envelope from Dave's parents. It was the best and most beautiful gift I have ever received and it made me cry. I just want to personally thank them so much for their generosity and for the miracle they gave us. They are angels.
We spent lunch at my parents, which was fun and then last night we went to look at Christmas lights with Benji. When we came home we had hot chocolate and played games. I love my little family and I'm glad I have them and could spend the day with them enjoying their presence. I can't wait for son number 2. I know we have a Heavenly Father who loves us and his son was born so long ago for us, to be our Savior, king and friend. I see His love in all the things around me, the miracles he sends in little packages like envelopes and little boys. He lives for me and for all of us and I am so thankful to him. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and we wish you the very best New Year.