Tuesday, July 10, 2012


I hope to get back to last week sometime, maybe never. I'm not sure if I ever want to get to Saturday of last week, but I will just say the 4th was great, good BBQ, sandbox, soccer and fireworks. The 5th was cabin in the mountains with family, lots of awesome rain. The 6th was baseball game and even more spectacular fireworks. Nestled in all that was a stiff neck and back pain and saturday was well, saturday. But today...today I went to work with my dad. We worked up at the VA hospital cleaning microscopes. It really wasn't a big deal until we were on Foothill Blvd. heading north. The tears started falling down. I hadn't even seen the Primary Children's we were still several blocks away but driving in the general direction made me miss Little Miss Lucy. I really wasn't prepared for that. It blindsided me today. I sure miss that little angel. And then we get to the hospital and the guy who had been our guy to work with at the hospital had apparently passed away a month ago. He was a really cool guy. I only saw him once a year, but they become such a part of your life. I wish I would have known and could have paid his family some respects, if he even had a family. I don't even know, but Sal thanks for making working so much joy. We missed you today. I miss a lot of people today.