Friday, September 14, 2012

Dear Benji,

Tonight I went in your room, you were sound asleep. I love watching you sleep. You probably don't know this but I check in on you at night often. I can't believe how huge you are sometimes. My boy is growing up so fast. You amaze me every day. I just can't believe how grown up you are at 6. You are such a sweet boy, obedient, smart, such a great helper. I can't believe how good you are and that you are such an easy child to raise. How did I get so lucky to be your mother? I know I am not always able to be there for you when you want me to be. I am trying to be better. Sometimes as a mommy I don't think you need me as much as the squeaky wheel that is your brother, but I hope you know how much I love you. You are such an amazing individual. You make me laugh, and somehow you are so sweet and always apologizing for the silliest things because you never want to be in trouble. You just want to be good all the time and I am so proud of you. You've always taken on every challenge whether you want to or not. You face everything. I am so amazed. Good job Bubba. Mom loves you oodles and noodles and poodles and snickerdoodles.