Monday, October 15, 2012

Birthdays and another miracle

This weekend we went up to the canyon with some of the family. We stayed in some nice condos except for the two wasps and handfuls of box elder bugs. While there we were able to throw Benji a surprise birthday party and enjoy a bunch of games, thanks to his aunt and cousins. I hope he had a fun time. Last night he didn't want to leave and well, neither did I. My big boy is seven. I can hardly believe it. One more year and he'll be able to get baptized if he chooses. I just feel so blessed to be his mom. Such a determined little man with a tender heart. We were also able to remember Lucy this weekend too. One year and greatly missed. We watched Rapunzel and have a few projects in the works in remembrance of her. And finally the miracle that happened. Last night we were driving home and we were coming downcoming down the last hill going 50+ miles an hour whenI I saw a shadow on the road just up ahead. I wasn't sure what it was but I let out a gasp and maybe a little scream and Dave somehow was able to stop inches away from two deer. Freaked me out. We should have hit them. I am thankful to those angels who slowed t down time and our car. Miracles still happen.