Thursday, November 7, 2013

At it again

I didn't have any plans to paint today. In fact I have been trying to come up with an idea for a completely different room, but haven't found anything that speaks to me. I know...I'm weird. But today I was in the game/office room playing Kirby with James when it hit me I should paint this room. The idea I had was to make it Harlequin (that's the diamond shapes right?), but the more I thought about it and how I would execute it the more work I figured it would be. So with hours to spare and nothing to do I looked online for ideas. There was a similar design on one website and I thought for sure I could pull it off. I was so glad to have something to do. Got it done just in time to pick the boys up from school. They loved it. And I loved doing it. Who needs therapy when you can paint a wall.